After 1 month and a half of intense production we are finally ready to leave for our 15-day road trip, we tell you:
🤘 Let's go to Brittany! 🏁

Our first Motocultor festival ! we've heard a lot about it, 2nd biggest French metal festival . I hesitated last year, knowing it less well, since I have never been there as a festival-goer and especially before having done Hellfest, I did not think I would be ready to face this type of large festival…
Clearly After the intensive training of the double edition of Hellfest in 2022, nothing scares me anymore! So I applied.
I had it in my head that I would go, however, the stand was validated barely 2 months before the festival, fortunately I had organized myself, I had been warned that the response would arrive late. No matter, we were ready and fired up.
And good breaking news , we are offered to set up a second stand, that of our association: Chickens Assault !

A new organization is being set up. In addition to managing my stand, my stock and my saleswomen, here we are with the members of the association's office to find volunteers to manage the association's stand.
Chickens Assault was going to join the prevention stand already in place, offering information on our actions, the fight against drugs by distributing "condoms" for glasses, emergency sanitary protection and fun with the possibility of getting glitter … In short, a touch of femininity in this world of long-haired men with toe-capped shoes.
Everything is ready! We hit the road with my two seasoned teammates, the photographer of the Poulettes Sisters in the person of my brother, who gave himself mission to highlight the women of the festival , both on stage and in the audience, as well as our two volunteers from the association.

First Motocultor festival in Carhaix, since the festival has changed location, on the same grounds of Vieilles Charrues. Let's share this new adventure together!
First day: Arrival in Carhaix.
Carhaix is a pretty little town in Brittany where everything is close and easy to access, which is super nice. We camp at a local's house two blocks from the festival.

Unfortunately I fall ill and am completely speechless, but so happy to be here so that the fire in my throat doesn't burn me, I'll knock it out with Doliprane, I'll think about it later.
As soon as we arrived, we set off to set up the stand. The places are easy to access, we can park quite close, so we were able to empty the truck quickly and set up the stand structure in the process, with more or less technical problems. My man, the logistics man, left us the instructions, but couldn't come to look after our children. In short, we got by with a few McGiver tricks.
We feel that it flows in a quiet mode, We are experienced with 2 Hellfests under our belt . Let's go set up the tents, beer races at the V&B and our first day ends in aperitif mode at the locals'.

Day 1 of the festival
We have the morning left to finalize the stand, the doors open at 2 p.m.

We are in a great position, on the 2nd cross aisle with the friends of burst And Hyraw and on the other Painful , and behind us Grimalkins' grigris And Black Flames Editions.

We feel like at home , where everyone knows each other and the atmosphere is good. The managers of the Metal Market are super nice and welcoming. And oh! surprise! We find our favorite volunteer of the Hellfest market: Alan!
Brief, to sum up we already feel at home.

The festival-goers are starting to arrive slowly , the pace is cool and we have time to take a tour to discover the festival and the different stages. The space is not huge, but enough for everyone to move around without jostling each other.
Besides, we don't feel the presence of the crowd, it's not oppressive because there is space. The stages are a good distance from each other, and at the same time close enough, since a 15-minute break allows me to go and listen to the different groups playing. On the other hand, it took me a while to find which scene was where, because there is little or no signage.
The first day went really well, and the afternoon passed smoothly, the atmosphere was cool and relaxed and the rhythm of the festival-goers was calm without any hustle and bustle, there were people but it was still fluid.
Day 2: Friday
Having the habit of starting the setup before the market opens, we arrived early and on the ball but 1 hour too early!!!... so we chill while waiting for the opening, today the weather is with us, it's nice, not too hot, we drink coffee and chat with everyone. The Assaut stand, this one, will open this afternoon and everything is running smoothly.

The festival-goers who arrived yesterday are wandering around waiting for the concerts and the majority of the others are disembarking, and the queue at the entrance to the campsite is never empty.
We spend our day working and chatting, interspersed with going out for little walks and seeing bits of concerts. Our photographer , John Bridged , begins to walk through the crowd and pull the portrait of women present at the festival , with the aim of spotlighting the festival-goers. The touch of femininity in this metal community that is often talked about in masculine terms.

Find more photos on the Facebook photo album Motocultor 2023.
The atmosphere is good everywhere you go, you can always find food stuff without too many queues to eat quickly. In short, apart from the fact that I struggle to talk to everyone because I'm still hoarse, I may have swallowed a pot of honey and 40 Valda pastilles during the day, this festival is a treat, we work while having a good time and at the end of the day we still have gouache for the concerts.
Day 3: Saturday
We opened earlier than yesterday, we felt that all the festival-goers had arrived on site, but despite the crowds, there was still no feeling of being overloaded or suffocated.
The pace of the day is faster and despite that we manage to go to concerts two by two.
Our association's stand is full every time I walk past. Our idea of bringing glitter to festival-goers, whether girls or boys, has exceeded our expectations and the girls from the association are facing an uninterrupted line of festival-goers who are waiting their turn.

While these ladies and gentlemen are getting glittered , discussions are going well on the activities of the association. In short, the stand has found its place and its vocation. To all those who tell me that glitter is not Metaaaal... well I have the proof!

Little surprise visit from my dear Maëylis who comes to show me a copy of the latest fanzine Massak Production , with a double page on Poulettes Sisters, I am proud to support this fanzine of girls who rock. I strongly invite you to discover their work, it's worth the detour.

The evening at the Metal Market stretches out a little, the festival-goers enjoy the headliner concerts and the market empties after 9 p.m. and there, due to lack of activity, it is the exhibitors who take advantage to open the floodgates.
And it turns to the more or less general aperitif! Given that we're starting to get fed up, it quickly goes live... especially when the guys from Crève brings us their late night playlist , far from the heavy hardcore of the day, make way for the Spice Girls!

Except that we, The Spice Girls are a bit the anthem of our Poulettes evenings , the song that opens our Chaos Karaoke Metal . So we get a little agitated with them, and it goes into noisy improvisation in the Market . A duo is created, that of our Chick Angie who masters the words and Auré, the singer of the group Akiavel who stopped by to see friends Hyraw... Magical moment and memorable memory!
And yes, This is how we meet Auré .
And what a wonderful meeting! Thanks Poulette, you made us laugh!

Day 4: Already Sunday
Last day, we're making the most of it . I'm still sick, speechless and tired, but damn I live moments in my life that I love and I savor them to the fullest.
Still lots of visits from well-known Chicks, lesser-known ones, unknown ones and lots of bearded guys who are laughing at my stupidity with my Bearded / Barbie T-shirt. The atmosphere is really cool and relaxed. We live the moment to the fullest!

The girls at the Assault stand are covered in glitter and friendly discussions. We will end this day drinking shots at the VIP with the whole team to celebrate the end of this first Motocultor.

Conclusion :
Another professional success for me and above all incredible moments to remember , an excellent group of exhibitors, the feeling of a family, our favorite volunteer, the Market managers, my acolytes always on top, all these little people that we don't want to leave and at the same time we dream of going to bed.
My brother who lived his best life, I named Mr Flying photographer , who went with his camera into the pit and slammed whenever he could.

In short, 4 intense days for everyone!
Day 5: Monday
Dismantling the stand , still as efficient, the Poulette crew gets busy and folds it in 2/2. Then, we take a little time to enjoy the city and eat, we deserved our break, and we couldn't leave without going to eat crepes in Brittany! Everything is put away, and now full, we get back on the road and continue on our way, We are only at the beginning of this road trip... more coming soon!

After 1 month and a half of intense production we are finally ready to leave for our 15-day road trip, we tell you:
🤘 Let's go to Brittany! 🏁
Our first Motocultor festival ! we've heard a lot about it, 2nd biggest French metal festival . I hesitated last year, knowing it less well, since I have never been there as a festival-goer and especially before having done Hellfest, I did not think I would be ready to face this type of large festival…
Clearly After the intensive training of the double edition of Hellfest in 2022, nothing scares me anymore! So I applied.
I had it in my head that I would go, however, the stand was validated barely 2 months before the festival, fortunately I had organized myself, I had been warned that the response would arrive late. No matter, we were ready and fired up.
And good breaking news , we are offered to set up a second stand, that of our association: Chickens Assault !
Chickens Assault was going to join the prevention stand already in place, offering information on our actions, the fight against drugs by distributing "condoms" for glasses, emergency sanitary protection and fun with the possibility of getting glitter … In short, a touch of femininity in this world of long-haired men with toe-capped shoes.
Everything is ready! We hit the road with my two seasoned teammates, the photographer of the Poulettes Sisters in the person of my brother, who gave himself mission to highlight the women of the festival , both on stage and in the audience, as well as our two volunteers from the association.
First Motocultor festival in Carhaix, since the festival has changed location, on the same grounds of Vieilles Charrues. Let's share this new adventure together!
First day: Arrival in Carhaix.
Carhaix is a pretty little town in Brittany where everything is close and easy to access, which is super nice. We camp at a local's house two blocks from the festival.
Unfortunately I fall ill and am completely speechless, but so happy to be here so that the fire in my throat doesn't burn me, I'll knock it out with Doliprane, I'll think about it later.
As soon as we arrived, we set off to set up the stand. The places are easy to access, we can park quite close, so we were able to empty the truck quickly and set up the stand structure in the process, with more or less technical problems. My man, the logistics man, left us the instructions, but couldn't come to look after our children. In short, we got by with a few McGiver tricks.
We feel that it flows in a quiet mode, We are experienced with 2 Hellfests under our belt . Let's go set up the tents, beer races at the V&B and our first day ends in aperitif mode at the locals'.
Day 1 of the festival
We have the morning left to finalize the stand, the doors open at 2 p.m.
We are in a great position, on the 2nd cross aisle with the friends of burst And Hyraw and on the other Painful , and behind us Grimalkins' grigris And Black Flames Editions.
We feel like at home , where everyone knows each other and the atmosphere is good. The managers of the Metal Market are super nice and welcoming. And oh! surprise! We find our favorite volunteer of the Hellfest market: Alan!
Brief, to sum up we already feel at home.
The festival-goers are starting to arrive slowly , the pace is cool and we have time to take a tour to discover the festival and the different stages. The space is not huge, but enough for everyone to move around without jostling each other.
Besides, we don't feel the presence of the crowd, it's not oppressive because there is space. The stages are a good distance from each other, and at the same time close enough, since a 15-minute break allows me to go and listen to the different groups playing. On the other hand, it took me a while to find which scene was where, because there is little or no signage.
The first day went really well, and the afternoon passed smoothly, the atmosphere was cool and relaxed and the rhythm of the festival-goers was calm without any hustle and bustle, there were people but it was still fluid.
Day 2: Friday
Having the habit of starting the setup before the market opens, we arrived early and on the ball but 1 hour too early!!!... so we chill while waiting for the opening, today the weather is with us, it's nice, not too hot, we drink coffee and chat with everyone. The Assaut stand, this one, will open this afternoon and everything is running smoothly.
The festival-goers who arrived yesterday are wandering around waiting for the concerts and the majority of the others are disembarking, and the queue at the entrance to the campsite is never empty.
We spend our day working and chatting, interspersed with going out for little walks and seeing bits of concerts. Our photographer , John Bridged , begins to walk through the crowd and pull the portrait of women present at the festival , with the aim of spotlighting the festival-goers. The touch of femininity in this metal community that is often talked about in masculine terms.
Find more photos on the Facebook photo album Motocultor 2023.
The atmosphere is good everywhere you go, you can always find food stuff without too many queues to eat quickly. In short, apart from the fact that I struggle to talk to everyone because I'm still hoarse, I may have swallowed a pot of honey and 40 Valda pastilles during the day, this festival is a treat, we work while having a good time and at the end of the day we still have gouache for the concerts.
Day 3: Saturday
We opened earlier than yesterday, we felt that all the festival-goers had arrived on site, but despite the crowds, there was still no feeling of being overloaded or suffocated.
The pace of the day is faster and despite that we manage to go to concerts two by two.
Our association's stand is full every time I walk past. Our idea of bringing glitter to festival-goers, whether girls or boys, has exceeded our expectations and the girls from the association are facing an uninterrupted line of festival-goers who are waiting their turn.
While these ladies and gentlemen are getting glittered , discussions are going well on the activities of the association. In short, the stand has found its place and its vocation. To all those who tell me that glitter is not Metaaaal... well I have the proof!
Little surprise visit from my dear Maëylis who comes to show me a copy of the latest fanzine Massak Production , with a double page on Poulettes Sisters, I am proud to support this fanzine of girls who rock. I strongly invite you to discover their work, it's worth the detour.
The evening at the Metal Market stretches out a little, the festival-goers enjoy the headliner concerts and the market empties after 9 p.m. and there, due to lack of activity, it is the exhibitors who take advantage to open the floodgates.
And it turns to the more or less general aperitif! Given that we're starting to get fed up, it quickly goes live... especially when the guys from Crève brings us their late night playlist , far from the heavy hardcore of the day, make way for the Spice Girls!
Except that we, The Spice Girls are a bit the anthem of our Poulettes evenings , the song that opens our Chaos Karaoke Metal . So we get a little agitated with them, and it goes into noisy improvisation in the Market . A duo is created, that of our Chick Angie who masters the words and Auré, the singer of the group Akiavel who stopped by to see friends Hyraw... Magical moment and memorable memory!
And yes, This is how we meet Auré .
And what a wonderful meeting! Thanks Poulette, you made us laugh!
Day 4: Already Sunday
Last day, we're making the most of it . I'm still sick, speechless and tired, but damn I live moments in my life that I love and I savor them to the fullest.
Still lots of visits from well-known Chicks, lesser-known ones, unknown ones and lots of bearded guys who are laughing at my stupidity with my Bearded / Barbie T-shirt. The atmosphere is really cool and relaxed. We live the moment to the fullest!
The girls at the Assault stand are covered in glitter and friendly discussions. We will end this day drinking shots at the VIP with the whole team to celebrate the end of this first Motocultor.
Conclusion :
Another professional success for me and above all incredible moments to remember , an excellent group of exhibitors, the feeling of a family, our favorite volunteer, the Market managers, my acolytes always on top, all these little people that we don't want to leave and at the same time we dream of going to bed.
My brother who lived his best life, I named Mr Flying photographer , who went with his camera into the pit and slammed whenever he could.
In short, 4 intense days for everyone!
Day 5: Monday
Dismantling the stand , still as efficient, the Poulette crew gets busy and folds it in 2/2. Then, we take a little time to enjoy the city and eat, we deserved our break, and we couldn't leave without going to eat crepes in Brittany! Everything is put away, and now full, we get back on the road and continue on our way, We are only at the beginning of this road trip... more coming soon!