Poulettes Sisters au Hellfest 2022, L'aventure !!!

Chicks Sisters at Hellfest 2022, The adventure!!!

Follow the adventure! How Poulettes Sisters is preparing for the biggest Metal music festival in Europe! I go from festival-goer to exhibitor, I don't know how to tell you how jubilant I am, I jump, I scream with joy.

🤘 I'm going to Hellfest 2022! WTF! 🔥

🍻💃 How it all started

When you go to exhibit at a Festival, you inevitably meet and talk to lots of people, and last month, I had the pleasure of going to the Metal convention, FireMaster in Châteauroux.

By the way, I don't know if you've heard of this convention, the association Thunder Live who organizes it has done a really nice job of scenography organizing themed spaces,

with lots of super cool and interesting animations, talking about Metal music, its culture, its inspiration, in short its whole universe. 🤘🎸

I would like to salute their concept and their work which I found really innovative and excellent 👏 . If you have the opportunity to go there on the next sessions, I recommend it.

So I exhibited on the FireMaster for 3 days, and during the discussions, notably with Wil Argunas , a talented illustrator, whose work I knew, but not the person, who by the way is really nice.

We come to talk about the Hellfest , where he has been exhibiting for 15 years, and I tell him with stars in my eyes that it would be my supreme grail than to expose there. 🤩

He kindly advises me and tells me that I should not hesitate to try my luck and send my application every year. 💌

Without any conviction, but perhaps with a hint of dream, I took him at his word and I launched myself. I sent a message with my press kit, after all you never know...

As I expected, I received a first message telling me that the market was full, nothing surprising, 1 month and a half before the start of the festivities.

Then 2 or 3 days later, I receive a second email, telling me that someone has uncommitted and that they thought of me!!!!!!! I don't believe it, I'm flying at ten thousand, I'm shaking, I'm screaming...

In short, I am joyful, I feel a crazy, indescribable joy, it's crazy!!!! Me at Hellfest!! with Poulettes Sisters!!!! 🎉

D-38 Start of the battle plan 🤘💃

My first concern to manage is the stock ... You probably know that, by creating Chicks Sisters I wanted to produce in a responsible way and for that I chose to manufacture to order to avoid overproduction and waste.

So I make small stocks only to cope with my festival outings, which in general are small/medium and which attract between 5,000 and 10,000 people maximum. But here we are talking about Hellfest!!!! It has nothing to do with it!

🧠🧠🧠 Here I am, doing apothecary calculations to try to gauge what I am likely to succeed in selling, but also in producing, not to mention what I can succeed in financing in this period of just over 4 weeks!!!

After a week of intense thinking, to the point of bursting my neurons, and after having seen with my bank, I realize that I am alone in facing my problems of financial contribution. Fortunately, I did not launch without having a small cushion, on which I will be able to count.

By dint of tying myself in knots and exchanging with those around me to try to validate my vision and my predictions, I choose to play it half-crazy 🤪​, half-safe 🔐​ and throw myself headlong into the production of all sorts of stuff: t-shirts, that is 4 new visuals and a special edition patch "Poulettes HF 2022" , it took at least that to mark the occasion!!!!! The first Hellfest of Poulettes Sisters!!!! 💫

Hellfest 2022 Chick Patch

Here I am in Warrior mode to start cutting fabric, ordering my pieces, and getting all worked up. And here is my crazy Team, Les Poulettes tourangelles 💃​🤘​, solid gold chicks, offering to come and help me and especially to come and be the saleswomen on the stand!

Around Chicks Sisters a community has been created, a crazy crew , with girls made of reinforced concrete and I have the illustration every day. I am so proud to have launched this thing, this nugget 💎​ which surpasses me today, an incredible human adventure!

D-25 The manufacturing workshop is running at full speed 💪💪

First week of action after the first week of reflection.

📦 Deliveries are starting to arrive and my house is starting to look like a storage warehouse, I don't yet have premises that are really suited to my business since I work from home and my cellar has become my workshop.

Production in progress

👚👚👚I'm continuing the production of t-shirts, tank tops as well as lots of new fabric patterns for headbands which are going to 2 seamstresses ✂️ that I just recruited near my home.

Other products are in progress like enameled gourds and cups ☕️🏴‍☠️, these will be new and black, I can't wait to receive them!

Along with my man, we design the stand with the technical constraints to which we are subject, and for me a new stand format, different from what I usually install. 🖥🛠 I am lucky to have a gifted man who builds anything and everything and who models my desires and needs in 3D.

At the end of this second week we finally have the stand ready to be validated by the Hellfest technical services.✅

🙏 I would like to thank the guys from the brand Crève Clothing who agreed to give me some tips and pitfalls to avoid and to share their experience with me.

🤝 It's really great to be able to chat with professionals, I'm really grateful and I'll wait for them at the stand to offer them a beer. 🍻

My buddies are back this week, another super productive day in a rock'n'roll atmosphere, if you follow the Facebook or Instagram page you must have seen our metalhead headbanging at work! 🤘💃

I present to you one of the new designs that I am preparing ready for mid-June, it will be online on the eshop on the first weekend of Hellfest, the Air Guitar Queen!🎸

Little inspiration from my adventure a few weeks ago at the Metal FireMaster convention where I got into the competition with a visit to the Hellfest Warmup on Sunday. I gave it my all and I'm not a little proud to have come 3rd! 🥉 This t-shirt is a tribute to all of us, Air guitar queens in the making!

New design Poulettes Sisters, the Air Guitar Queen

D-18 We're moving forward! 🚣🏻‍♀️

Another week of intense manufacturing , the boxes are filling up, the packages are arriving, in short, the factory of Mother Christmas Poulette 🤶🏻🤘 is still running at full speed.

🛠 My dear bearded man, after hanging around all the Casto in the region for several days... seriously, I thought he was going to settle in there and never come home again... ahaha, finally found everything he needed to make the stand.

There is nothing left to do but make a pre-assembly to make sure on D-Day that everything fits together as we imagined on paper. And after a few tests and modifications, we finally have a structure that will hold up and give me the showcase I want. Yay!

Long live my bearded guy and his multi-technical skills , this guy can do everything! It's not for nothing that I call him my technical director...🖤

Test assembly

Test assembly

To unwind a bit , we take advantage of the public holiday to go and throw ourselves into the pit of Punk and Drumblic Festival with 2 motivated chicks. 🤘🤘

Back to our 15 years, with the concert of Pennywise And NOFX , a few beers and lots of discussions, meeting up with familiar faces, and meeting a Breton Chick, Maeylis, who came to the area especially. 💃💃💃

In short, a breath of fresh air, a release of neurons that feels good!

💪💪 Back to work the next day! This time we're going to roll up t-shirts and stick on labels. After searching for a thousand storage solutions practical and avoid at all costs falling into plastic packaging that I have seen too much in my previous jobs, once again thanks to a tip from the guys at Crève Clothing , an association of ideas and hey presto I found my system!

🌱Eco-friendly and practical , paper and stickers, in nursery school mode!🔴⚫️🟢

This will allow us to not think too much about the festival and get the sizes out of stock easily, and to have an easy reading requiring no more than one neuron.

Which will clearly make our lives easier, we can well imagine the mess that it can become with poor management and organization of the stock... I have experienced it only at several small festivals, I could not reproduce that on the Hellfest ! No way !

Test assembly

I am taking advantage of the progress of the visual releases to present to you the second new design which will be online mid-June, and on the festival: 😻🤘⚡️the CRAZY CAT! Non-stop Head banging with style!

A collab with a graphic designer that I really like and who agreed to produce for me in record time, 2 visuals, according to my ideas and directions, Thibault Schultz , who is already at the origin of the Poulette Rideuse . A big thank you to him for his responsiveness and his pencil stroke.

This high-energy cat will be available in women's and girls' sizes 4, 6 and 8 years old.

Test assembly

D-12 Final stretch! 🚀

So, It's the last full week before departure... the penultimate weekend where we ask the last questions ❓and problems appear‼️ to which we seek solutions, the last t-shirts to print 👚👚👚, and take everything out to realize the final volume and wondering if everything will fit in the car...🚗

The production finally packaged and labeled

Test assembly

💦🌊 With a small meteorological hazard and facing a storm that breaks and floods us, in short we advance against wind and tide, but we still get there despite the unforeseen events, no damaged products, phew! 😅

The last packages are arriving, there is almost nothing left to complete the loop.

And finally, I present to you the latest new visual , a collaboration that is close to my heart, with an unusual pin-up, 🖊 a talented illustrator: Thing From Machin .

You don't know this artist? Well I'm happy to introduce her to you:

Test assembly

Emilie aka Bidule Von Machin , or the hidden child of Nadine de Rothschild and Rika Zaraï, makes videos where she gives "advice" on how to become a real pin-up or almost for almost 3 years now The PUL&P webzine, Culture Pin Up with humor and derision.

Despite this priesthood, she takes the time to draw pin-ups in a style all her own for our greatest pleasure, and creates 2D animations And buttocks embroidery.

Test assembly

Illustrations by Bidule Von Machin

I gave him a mission to color the Poulette Crew 💃💃💃🤘 with the tip of his pencil, and the result is just great!

🤩💫 She rendered it perfectly this crew of offbeat rock'n'roll pin-up girls that we are, The Chicks Sisters!

Test assembly

Like the other 3 visuals, They will be online on the eshop site in a week , at the same time as this departure towards the first weekend of Hellfest, this one will be available in white and black, in t-shirt and tank top.

📜 My adventure of preparing for this crazy festival is coming to an end, and the adventure, the real one, awaits us there!

We will be waiting for you there with crazy excitement, a crazy desire to live it to the fullest!

😁 Looking forward to meeting you at the stand, to chat and maybe share a beer 🍻 , in short we can't wait and at the same time we're a little stressed... it's the adventure I've been waiting for, I hope I'll live up to it.

See you in Hell Folks!😈 💃🤘

See you at the stand, from June 16 to June 26 at the X-trem market! You all fucking rock!

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