Parce que t'es belle bord'Hell !

Because you're beautiful, damn it!

Stop body shaming, stop judging! We all have potential, we just have to unlock it and dare!

🖕🖕🖕 Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

🖕 Fuck the judgment of others,
🖕 Fuck body shaming,
🖕 Fuck people who want to put you in boxes,
🖕 Fuck to those who find that my rock, metal music is too noisy,
🖕 Fuck to this world that I fight with my smile, kindness and all my energy,

Why I say FUCK and that I finger the camera very very often?

Rebel Girl

I have so many reasons to be indignant, to be revolted, in rebellion and to reject all this negativity that eats away at our brains. This society in which I don't recognize myself.

I won't bore you with the Valentine's Day , because it's a commercial holiday, and if your guy is nice just one day a year, there's a problem. Attention is all year round, it's all life ... a couple needs to be maintained, on both sides.

While they're all going to bore you with the old refrains about Valentin and his pals or the absence of said Valentin who would fill your life... The half without whom you are not complete...

Learn to be 100% happy with yourself and any being who comes to share your life will be a plus and not a necessity making you accept a thousand red flags …

Become the woman you would like to be, aim far, aim high!

February is SELFLOVE month

Rosie Leo Duo

At the house of CHICKENS SISTERS This is the month to tell you that you are beautiful, hell , and you all have sick potential, you just have to be aware of it and dare!

THE SELF-LOVE It's learning to accept yourself, to love yourself as you are, whether you're a size S or a 5XL. We agree, that's all year round too, right!

Also, because we all love women, and because I'm tired of seeing girls looking away in front of my stand, thinking that there's nothing in her size, nothing for her...

I'm super proud to have finally found, THE CUT of t-shirt to highlight the Chicks with generous curves! A loose T-shirt, with small cuffs on the sleeves and a rounded bottom, a little longer at the back.

Comfort and style! Some of you have already seen it at festivals, now it's also on the site, all the t-shirts available from S to 5XL!

loose fit t-shirt

We did this photo shoot as a duo, with 2 incredible chicks, Kat and Julie, each with their own personality, each with their own style and they shine!

Rock Your Life! Live every moment to the fullest, dare to break the rules, dare to be yourself entirely, and turn up the volume!

The Crew

#loveyourself #selflove #dare #yourbeautifulbordhell ​​#chickensisters #forallwomen #valentine'sday #withoutvalentine'sday #whatever #rockyourlife

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