🤘 Hellfest 2022! I was there! 🔥
A crazy story
After having been a festival-goer in 2014 and 2015, I find myself 7 years later on the other side in pro mode , me and my small company, brand new with these 3 years of existence, had the chance to be selected to replace at short notice (6 weeks before) an exhibitor who had not validated his place.
Oh intense joy, Hellfest was my ultimate grail , being convinced that my little brand had its place there. I'll spare you the intense preparation I went through, since you can read it here: The before.

Here we are, arrived Wednesday June 15 , first stop: we collect our bracelets and rush to unload on the Hell City, excited as fleas! A first busy day of installation, warmly welcomed by the team that manages the market, a really great team, super available and smiling.

Thursday begins quietly with the end of the preparations, a photo session on the deserted Hell City, we feel a little privileged to be there before everyone else.

2pm the doors open to festival-goers and here we go! We worked hard until 11:30pm, the first festival-goers already present discover the brand, the stand and the welcome is great, smiles, good vibes, in short we are in heaven.

It seems like we've already had a good day, we still think we'll manage to work and enjoy the festival a bit, that weekend there were only 3 of us.
Friday , I start the day alone at 9am and from 9:34am it's the rush, and little by little the heat rises... heatwave is going to be hardcore and we are in continuous action all day long…. In the afternoon, I falter, the heat is stifling and I feel bad and I try to cope accompanied by my two acolytes… we drink, we water ourselves but we die of heat. And again, we had planned a fan and we were lucky to be located near a door… despite this the fan acts more like a hair dryer.
Between the rush of festival-goers and the heat, we abandon any idea of going to a concert and at the end of the day, we think instead of marathon that awaits us and we go back to bed exhausted, it's 2am.

Saturday , the hottest day, we had planned shorts and swimsuits, and from 10am, we played it in shower mode with a pitcher of water every 20 minutes to avoid overheating the day before, and it worked, we held up, despite a temperature of 57 degrees recorded under the tent, pure madness.

Despite this, the day continues with lots of visits and sales, full of smiles, selfies of chicks , in short we feel that the body is pushing its limits, but we hold on, because even if we suffer, we are super happy to be there and to exchange with the festival-goers.
Sunday , the temperature becomes more bearable and the visits follow one after the other on the stand, so much so that we do not sit down before 8 p.m. and we eat on the go, we have never experienced such an intense festival in terms of passage, we are delighted and a little angar too, it went by so quickly, in such an intense way.
We tell ourselves that we held on, and that we deserved to end this weekend by going to see the Gojira concert... a first for me, having missed them last February in Paris and we were amazed by the sights and sounds, pure happiness in a hyper-dense crowd... I can already feel that the number of festival-goers is larger than the one we saw in 2015 for my part.

In a trance in front of this crazy concert, we are exhausted but happy, and to finish with the sublime fireworks superbly set to music, I end up realizing where I am, and what I have just experienced these first 5 days, and there in front of these sprays of flames I start to cry with joy, with emotion, the drop in stress experienced these last 6 weeks, this weekend extremely hard physically and at the same time so enjoyable humanly will remain engraved in our memories.
We ended up toasting the VIP to celebrate this first part , in this incredible setting, we remember our hardcore weekend. And we run away as soon as a DJ starts playing macumba night type music like a club in St Tropez, not enough Metal for our taste, we prefer to meet our festival friends at the rental.

And we continue, weekend 2 approaching!
We leave on Monday for Tours, with the following as a starting point: impression that the marathon continues , I'm going to run out of stock and I have 48 hours to react. In short, I'm working like crazy after printing t-shirts for 19 hours, helped by my friends who are rolling and packing non-stop upstairs. Ready to come back, but not at all rested.
On Wednesday , I was lucky enough to be invited to the conference “Entrepreneurship and Metal” by Ellie Promotion , which took place in the new premises of Alter co , a coworking space and business incubator which will officially open next September in Clisson.

So I continue with the reinstallation of the stand with the new stock and the conference, which between us is a moment of pause, calm and enriching meetings where I have the opportunity to talk about my Poulettes Sisters adventure and share my life as a young entrepreneur who wants to make room for women, highlight them and bring them together around common tastes, in short we talk about sisterhood and the Poulettes community, this incredible crew that was born with the brand.
We're off to a quiet evening, resting to attack Thursday morning with the energy we have left. This time, 2 other Chicks are coming to help me this weekend, they are fresh and all excited, my husband and I are already on our knees...

Thursday 9am , here we go again, the temperature is finally viable, almost cool, and the day goes by like a flash with still lots of encounters and good vibes, and evening arrives, still not the strength to go see a concert.

But this time, there are 4 of us on the stand, and the festival-goers come more in waves than in a continuous flow like the previous weekend, and so we manage to take breaks and see at least one concert each, while I stay at the stand with the motto of holding out for the distance.
Friday , the rain pours down and brings more and more people inside, in short we work and we don't really see what's going on outside except to go get something to eat, or go to the toilet.
We see khaki and navy ponchos parading around and we think that the festival-goers have lost their colours... it's funny, I love seeing people's style and the freedom of style that we can have here.

We can already feel the fatigue in many people who are soaked, a hard day for the festival-goers who have their feet in the mud, but everyone agrees that it is better than the heatwave.
Having paid my expenses to come here, I am more relaxed and enjoying myself more, I even managed to go and see Zeal and Ardor with my man at the end of the day.
SATURDAY passes like Friday, and we feel the festival-goers more and more HS, with short and wet nights in campsites, and we feel that the population is not the same as last weekend. People less metal in the soul , walkers, children and it is even more obvious on Sunday. We manage to take turns and the girls from the stand manage to slip away each in turn to enjoy. Each experience a piece of the festival in their own way.
Finally, Sunday , at Poulettes Sisters we know that we won't have anything left in stock during the day, and so we're more relaxed and we walk around more, starting with a trip to the merch to pick up the FINISHER t-shirt in limited edition, gift for my man, for putting up with me all this time before and during.
I wanted to meet Seb from Humans of Hellfest , tell him that these photos of women, real women of Hellfest , was an integral part of my inspiration, it was a great meeting and I had the pleasure of going to do a little shooting with him on the site.

And finally, reuniting with an old friend David Morrison at the tattoo stand to etch into the skin this first memorable experience at this amazing double festival.

In short, a professional day. in tourist mode . We take turns enjoying a concert or a break at the Cult (I had kept my bracelet, since I was originally a festival-goer), and as predicted, At 7pm we decide to close the stand due to lack of stock and we take the time to chat, have a drink, go and do a little photobooth in the VW Adope.com and an aperitif plus dinner at the VIP to celebrate the end of this crazy marathon.

Then we tried to break through to see Metallica , too many people, too dense, we listen to 2 songs and finally decide to branch off to the Metallica concert Carcass , at least we can hear and see the stage, great little concert by the way, it's pulsating and we get a lot of noise in a sparse crowd, in short it's nice.
Not wanting to desert too quickly and enjoy it to the end , despite our bodies being at the end of their tether, we decide to take a ride on the Ferris wheel to enjoy the show from above, the ultimate thrill, seeing this human tide on the site, enjoying the rest of the Metallica concert from afar, but ultimately in a much more pleasant way than being stuck in the crowd.
We go back down right for The closing fireworks , a monster with a breathtaking finale, we feel exhausted but fulfilled. Here the marathon is over.

And yet, the next day, up again at 7am, when it's over for some, professionals and volunteers are busy on the site for dismantling. I am really impressed by these teams that hold the Hellfest. The human is everything and these people are warriors. I admire them.

Dismantling done and car loaded , finally back home in the afternoon, with only a bed, a shower and silence as our fantasy, but also lots of memories, smiles...
in short, the heart and the head loaded with a thousand emotions.
It was a first and I hope to experience more like this, but clearly a 4-day weekend would be enough for me, I thought several times that my body would not want to follow this frantic pace and this repeated lack of sleep, but my brain, filled with positive vibes, held the helm of the ship without flinching, with a smile stuck to my face the whole time.
In summary
Lots of meetings, lots of exchanges, lots of laughs with Crève Clothing
who is never far away and with whom we have a good laugh, moments shared with my crew which are worth gold and which we will talk about for a long time to come.
The Hellfest market team is always there, attentive, tireless, professional and brilliant. See the backstage of this extraordinary festival, with the chance to go through the VIP doors, go behind the scenes, chat with the volunteers... experience the festival differently, but live it to the fullest. I'll sign up again tomorrow if I'm offered it.

I'm still high from this rich experience, I really hope to be there next year and I can't wait! See you soon head bangers chicks!
🤘 Hellfest 2022! I was there! 🔥
A crazy story
After having been a festival-goer in 2014 and 2015, I find myself 7 years later on the other side in pro mode , me and my small company, brand new with these 3 years of existence, had the chance to be selected to replace at short notice (6 weeks before) an exhibitor who had not validated his place.
Oh intense joy, Hellfest was my ultimate grail , being convinced that my little brand had its place there. I'll spare you the intense preparation I went through, since you can read it here: The before.
Here we are, arrived Wednesday June 15 , first stop: we collect our bracelets and rush to unload on the Hell City, excited as fleas! A first busy day of installation, warmly welcomed by the team that manages the market, a really great team, super available and smiling.
Thursday begins quietly with the end of the preparations, a photo session on the deserted Hell City, we feel a little privileged to be there before everyone else.
2pm the doors open to festival-goers and here we go! We worked hard until 11:30pm, the first festival-goers already present discover the brand, the stand and the welcome is great, smiles, good vibes, in short we are in heaven.
It seems like we've already had a good day, we still think we'll manage to work and enjoy the festival a bit, that weekend there were only 3 of us.
Friday , I start the day alone at 9am and from 9:34am it's the rush, and little by little the heat rises... heatwave is going to be hardcore and we are in continuous action all day long…. In the afternoon, I falter, the heat is stifling and I feel bad and I try to cope accompanied by my two acolytes… we drink, we water ourselves but we die of heat. And again, we had planned a fan and we were lucky to be located near a door… despite this the fan acts more like a hair dryer.
Between the rush of festival-goers and the heat, we abandon any idea of going to a concert and at the end of the day, we think instead of marathon that awaits us and we go back to bed exhausted, it's 2am.
Saturday , the hottest day, we had planned shorts and swimsuits, and from 10am, we played it in shower mode with a pitcher of water every 20 minutes to avoid overheating the day before, and it worked, we held up, despite a temperature of 57 degrees recorded under the tent, pure madness.
Despite this, the day continues with lots of visits and sales, full of smiles, selfies of chicks , in short we feel that the body is pushing its limits, but we hold on, because even if we suffer, we are super happy to be there and to exchange with the festival-goers.
Sunday , the temperature becomes more bearable and the visits follow one after the other on the stand, so much so that we do not sit down before 8 p.m. and we eat on the go, we have never experienced such an intense festival in terms of passage, we are delighted and a little angar too, it went by so quickly, in such an intense way.
We tell ourselves that we held on, and that we deserved to end this weekend by going to see the Gojira concert... a first for me, having missed them last February in Paris and we were amazed by the sights and sounds, pure happiness in a hyper-dense crowd... I can already feel that the number of festival-goers is larger than the one we saw in 2015 for my part.
In a trance in front of this crazy concert, we are exhausted but happy, and to finish with the sublime fireworks superbly set to music, I end up realizing where I am, and what I have just experienced these first 5 days, and there in front of these sprays of flames I start to cry with joy, with emotion, the drop in stress experienced these last 6 weeks, this weekend extremely hard physically and at the same time so enjoyable humanly will remain engraved in our memories.
We ended up toasting the VIP to celebrate this first part , in this incredible setting, we remember our hardcore weekend. And we run away as soon as a DJ starts playing macumba night type music like a club in St Tropez, not enough Metal for our taste, we prefer to meet our festival friends at the rental.
And we continue, weekend 2 approaching!
We leave on Monday for Tours, with the following as a starting point: impression that the marathon continues , I'm going to run out of stock and I have 48 hours to react. In short, I'm working like crazy after printing t-shirts for 19 hours, helped by my friends who are rolling and packing non-stop upstairs. Ready to come back, but not at all rested.
On Wednesday , I was lucky enough to be invited to the conference “Entrepreneurship and Metal” by Ellie Promotion , which took place in the new premises of Alter co , a coworking space and business incubator which will officially open next September in Clisson.
So I continue with the reinstallation of the stand with the new stock and the conference, which between us is a moment of pause, calm and enriching meetings where I have the opportunity to talk about my Poulettes Sisters adventure and share my life as a young entrepreneur who wants to make room for women, highlight them and bring them together around common tastes, in short we talk about sisterhood and the Poulettes community, this incredible crew that was born with the brand.
We're off to a quiet evening, resting to attack Thursday morning with the energy we have left. This time, 2 other Chicks are coming to help me this weekend, they are fresh and all excited, my husband and I are already on our knees...
Thursday 9am , here we go again, the temperature is finally viable, almost cool, and the day goes by like a flash with still lots of encounters and good vibes, and evening arrives, still not the strength to go see a concert.
But this time, there are 4 of us on the stand, and the festival-goers come more in waves than in a continuous flow like the previous weekend, and so we manage to take breaks and see at least one concert each, while I stay at the stand with the motto of holding out for the distance.
Friday , the rain pours down and brings more and more people inside, in short we work and we don't really see what's going on outside except to go get something to eat, or go to the toilet.
We see khaki and navy ponchos parading around and we think that the festival-goers have lost their colours... it's funny, I love seeing people's style and the freedom of style that we can have here.
We can already feel the fatigue in many people who are soaked, a hard day for the festival-goers who have their feet in the mud, but everyone agrees that it is better than the heatwave.
Having paid my expenses to come here, I am more relaxed and enjoying myself more, I even managed to go and see Zeal and Ardor with my man at the end of the day.
SATURDAY passes like Friday, and we feel the festival-goers more and more HS, with short and wet nights in campsites, and we feel that the population is not the same as last weekend. People less metal in the soul , walkers, children and it is even more obvious on Sunday. We manage to take turns and the girls from the stand manage to slip away each in turn to enjoy. Each experience a piece of the festival in their own way.
Finally, Sunday , at Poulettes Sisters we know that we won't have anything left in stock during the day, and so we're more relaxed and we walk around more, starting with a trip to the merch to pick up the FINISHER t-shirt in limited edition, gift for my man, for putting up with me all this time before and during.
I wanted to meet Seb from Humans of Hellfest , tell him that these photos of women, real women of Hellfest , was an integral part of my inspiration, it was a great meeting and I had the pleasure of going to do a little shooting with him on the site.
And finally, reuniting with an old friend David Morrison at the tattoo stand to etch into the skin this first memorable experience at this amazing double festival.
In short, a professional day. in tourist mode . We take turns enjoying a concert or a break at the Cult (I had kept my bracelet, since I was originally a festival-goer), and as predicted, At 7pm we decide to close the stand due to lack of stock and we take the time to chat, have a drink, go and do a little photobooth in the VW Adope.com and an aperitif plus dinner at the VIP to celebrate the end of this crazy marathon.
Then we tried to break through to see Metallica , too many people, too dense, we listen to 2 songs and finally decide to branch off to the Metallica concert Carcass , at least we can hear and see the stage, great little concert by the way, it's pulsating and we get a lot of noise in a sparse crowd, in short it's nice.
Not wanting to desert too quickly and enjoy it to the end , despite our bodies being at the end of their tether, we decide to take a ride on the Ferris wheel to enjoy the show from above, the ultimate thrill, seeing this human tide on the site, enjoying the rest of the Metallica concert from afar, but ultimately in a much more pleasant way than being stuck in the crowd.
We go back down right for The closing fireworks , a monster with a breathtaking finale, we feel exhausted but fulfilled. Here the marathon is over.
And yet, the next day, up again at 7am, when it's over for some, professionals and volunteers are busy on the site for dismantling. I am really impressed by these teams that hold the Hellfest. The human is everything and these people are warriors. I admire them.
It was a first and I hope to experience more like this, but clearly a 4-day weekend would be enough for me, I thought several times that my body would not want to follow this frantic pace and this repeated lack of sleep, but my brain, filled with positive vibes, held the helm of the ship without flinching, with a smile stuck to my face the whole time.
In summary
Lots of meetings, lots of exchanges, lots of laughs with Crève Clothing
who is never far away and with whom we have a good laugh, moments shared with my crew which are worth gold and which we will talk about for a long time to come.The Hellfest market team is always there, attentive, tireless, professional and brilliant. See the backstage of this extraordinary festival, with the chance to go through the VIP doors, go behind the scenes, chat with the volunteers... experience the festival differently, but live it to the fullest. I'll sign up again tomorrow if I'm offered it.
I'm still high from this rich experience, I really hope to be there next year and I can't wait! See you soon head bangers chicks!